First of all, I want to say a few things… you guys know I am not a doctor (obv) so it’s important that you remember that this is simply MY story and what worked for me.
Second, if someone is telling you that it’s not a big deal to NOT have your period, I really encourage you to research more into it and form your own opinion. Menstruation is a really important sign of our health.
How I lost my period
I stopped getting my period (aka Hypothalamic Amenorrhea aka HA) when I was at a point in my life where I was overly obsessed with clean eating. Don’t get me wrong, you guys know I still absolutely love eating healthy and am always looking for cleaner ingredients/alternatives… buuuut, it doesn’t cause me the stress that it once used to.
In the past, going out to eat, traveling, and really just any uncertainty of ingredients in what I was eating… gave me major anxiety. I wanted everything to be organic, cooked in “good” oils, and I wanted to be aware of the exact ingredients so that I could be “perfectly healthy”.
To be honest, I can’t even explain my rationale behind this because deep down I knew that eating a meal every now and then with subpar ingredients wasn’t going to damage my health at all. Basically, I was just caught up in the perfectionism of clean eating.
Due to obsessively clean eating, I reached a weight that was unhealthy for me. The weirdest part of it all is that I didn’t even like the way my body looked at this point. I was constantly thinking about how I could gain weight… but with the way I was eating, it wasn’t possible. And I wasn’t ready to give up the perfectionism that I was putting into clean eating.
Now that I am past those days, I’ve realized that “clean eating” to that extent was partly a coping mechanism that helped me feel “in control” when other things in my life felt out of control. Ironically, it eventually made me feel much more OUT of control around food.
I never counted calories, my goal was never focused on weight loss, and I never even deprived myself of meals and snacks (although when you’re struggling with HA, it’s common to lose your appetite… not a good sign).
I strived for perfection with my eating habits. Each day, I had breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and a dessert. To someone on the ouside, it may have even looked normal. But my obsession with having perfect ingredients, the perfect portion, restricting major food groups that I had deemed “unhealthy” AND all the stress that came along with this… is what caused me to lose weight and therefore, lose my period for about 16 months (this was back in 2017-18).
“Stress is worse for your health than any food” is a quote I’ve seen and truly believe in and live by nowadays!
How I got my period back
It’s hard for me to explain exactly how I got my period back because it took a HUGE mindset shift over the span of a couple of years. It wasn’t one specific thing, and trust me, it didn’t have anything to do with adaptogens… 😂
(disclaimer: I love and believe in the benefits of adaptogens but what I needed at the time was more calories, less stress, and to gain a few pounds… not f*cking ashwaganda)
- Delved into Intuitive Eating (some of my favorite sources listed below).
- Intuitive Eating Book
- Nourishing Women’s Podcast (this one was huge for me, I recommend to start listening from the first episodes)
- Instagram (@restoringradiance, @hummusapien, @thereallife_rd, @avokween, @megeatsworld, @maddaliveswell, @simibiotic, @nourishingmindsnutrition are a few of my favorite intuivite eating based accounts)
- Increased the amount of calories I was eating. It’s easy to eat a huge bowl of protein and veggies without too many calories but I had to make sure I was eating enough CALORIES, not volume. I still didn’t count calories but I went by “if I’m questioning if I had enough calories that meal/day, then I didn’t”. More is better here! If you’re not ready to make a complete 180 with your eating habits, my advice is to add extra healthy fat in order to up calories without making any huge changes to your meals. Plus healthy fat is AMAZING for hormone health (exactly what you need when struggling with HA) and makes food taste delicious. For example, I love adding things like olive oil, avocado oil mayo, Primal Kitchen dressings, etc, to my bowls to make them more filling and satisfying.
- Went out to eat more often and didn’t stress about what was in the food. In the past, there were definitely times when I went to a restaurant and picked the healthiest thing I could find on the menu. Then proceeded to go straight home and raid the pantry because mentally, I was unsatisfied. Now, when I go out to eat, I look at the menu and choose what sounds the best TASTING. I don’t consider health, calories, or ingredients. This makes for a much more enjoyable experience anyways! It’s cool because now sometimes I actually WANT to order the salad, and other times I want pizza or a burger… and I don’t judge myself as “good” or “bad” depepending on which one I’m craving that day. Funny how the body works! I also made sure that I didn’t do anything to make up for indulgent meals, ie. eating extra clean the next day etc.
- Started eating more carbs. I have always been down with healthy fats and I never purposely cut down on carbs but when I was struggling with HA, my carbohydrate intake was TOO LOW. Especially for a woman of reproductive age who is pretty active! I started incorporating more bananas and other fruit, bread, large sweet potatoes, rice crackers and pasta, more desserts (lots of healthy recipes here on my blog!), and really anything I was craving.
- Began to better manage my stress. Listed all my self-care favorites in this post.
- Let up on the high-intensity/cardio workouts. I still did some high-intensity a couple times a week but I swapped out a few of my workouts for walks and made sure I was taking at least a couple days per week completely off).
Things I tried that didn’t work for me
- Completely stopping exercise. There were a couple times that I took an entire week off from exercise and it didn’t really seem to help much in the long run. I love working out so it wasn’t sustainable for me to completely stop. It was more about what I was doing continuously for months and months (RE: laying off high intensity/cardio, decreasing the frequency of my workouts, and swapping out a couple workouts per week for relaxed walking)
- Adding more “nutrition”. No matter how many vegetables I ate or how many nutrients I crammed into my diet (I tried all of the nutritional powerhouses like seaweed, sardines, etc.), but nothing was going to change until I changed my mindset and habits.
- Adaptogens— like I said, adaptogens are amazing and I truly believe in their benefits… but for me, they were no substitute for eating more and gaining a few healthy pounds.
Things I gained when I gained weight/my period (the important part!!!)
- Digestion that actually works. When I was struggling with HA, I was ALWAYS bloated, gassy, and constipated (sry for the TMI). When your body thinks it’s starving (aka not getting enough calories EVEN if the amount of food your eating LOOKS like “enough”), it’s going to start shutting down systems that aren’t essential in keeping you alive (aka reproductive system, digestive system, etc.).
- My personality and energy. I know this sounds weird, but when I was at a lower weight, I didn’t feel like myself. I didn’t have as much energy, I didn’t laugh as much, I didn’t socialize as much, and overall I didn’t feel like my happy, bubbly, energetic self. And there were probably times when I wasn’t as kind to my family and friends as I could have been.
- BETTER SLEEP. This is a HUGE one for me. I need to write a whole blog post about sleep because its something I’ve struggled with on and off since I was little but ESPECIALLY during this time. I couldn’t sleep. Ever. I would be exhausted all day long and then when bedtime rolled around, I still felt tired but at the same time weirdly wired. Cue– cortisol. Let me tell you, it’s not fun waking up every morning feeling groggy and awful. I pretty much sleep like a baby every night now. One of my favorite feelings is waking up from a good night’s sleep. It honestly changes my whole day.
- Better workouts. Once again, more energy! I feel amazing during my HIIT workouts, weight lifting, walking, running, and I still have energy throughout the day afterwards.
- SO. MANY. MEMORIES! Since then, I have traveled more times than I can count, so many date nights, wine night with friends, going out for ice cream in the summer (and winter 😂), tried things out of my comfort zone, and felt genuine happiness much more often.
To be honest, I didn’t think I would get this deep when I started writing this blog post but it all just kind of flowed out. Never thought I’d say this but it’s reminding me why I am so thankful to bleed every month, hahaha!
I hope that sharing my journey is helpful and that it provided some inspiration and hope for anyone struggling with something similar. I feel for you and am here for you!
Love you guys! 💕
Calla- it’s “funny” now similar my story is to yours. At a time (2015-2017) where I was obsessing over clean eating and high intensity exercises, I too lost my period and lost so much weight that it wasn’t healthy for me. It’s amazing how much anxiety we can cause for ourselves and our bodies when we aren’t nourished properly and when we’re focusing on every single ingredient. I too hated going out to eat or traveling because of all the uncertainty. I loved what you had to share! It hit home for me!
I totally agree! I’m so happy it was relatable for you and thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love you girl!! 💓
Huge props for sharing this ❤️👏🏼 LOVEE your blog & insta page, thank you for caring about the health/well-being of others!
Thank you so much and thank you for taking hte time to read and comment! 💓
Thanks for sharing your story 🙂 I love following along on Insta and appreciate your vulnerability in this post!
Aww, thank you so much for the kind words. XO
Thank you for this!! I have been struggling with HA for 2 years now and it is so encouraging to hear about other people that have regained their period. I also cannot express how nice it is to hear a “healthy eating influencer“ talk about eating normal foods when they go to a restaurant rather than just salad or the healthy alternatives. I am certainly still guilty of stressing over unknown ingredients when I go out to eat.
Aw, thank you so much and thanks for the comment! I’m glad it was relatable for you. I’m here for you girl! Sending you a hug 💓
Important message! Love that you are sharing your experience so that others can benefit from what you’ve learned! Keep doing what your doing!
Thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to read and comment 💓 it means a lot!
Although I struggled with this for almost 2 years I remember the exact moment I regained my period and cried tears of joy because the thought that I am fully capable to have babies someday & regain my vitality back was worth more than feeling accomplished for not touching bread or fats for a day. Thank you for being open, vulnerable, and relatable in this post. It is never easy to share with the outside world because often we do not even want to admit ourselves. I am extremely proud of you for posting this as well as identifying the more nourishing way to move forward as a young female. I love you girl! Hope you feel better than ever! Always here if you need to chat too
Girl I was right there with ya! Never thought I’d be so happy to have a period, hahaha! I totally agree with you ❤️ thanks so much, and thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Love you so much!! Right back at you 🙂
I’ve always been in awe of how balanced you are! Congratulations on finding that balance sooner rather than later. Thanks for sharing your story.
Aw, thank you so much, that means a lot! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment! ❤️
Thank you for sharing your story! I stumbled upon this post after looking at one your recipes. I lost my period for a few years and just got it back this year, but it’s been off and on. I also struggled with bloating and constipation. Although it’s gotten a lot better since I regained my period, I still struggle with it. Any recommendations for maintaining a period and regulating the digestion system?
Hi Hannah! Thanks so much for taking the time to read it 🙂 So glad you are working on regaining a healthy regular period! In my experience, it’s normal for it to somewhat off and on the first few months when initally regaining it. Just keep up your healthy habits that helped you to get it back (for me, this meant continue eating nourishing meals with enough calories and carbs, avoiding high intensity exercise, priortizing sleep and stress management). For constipation, everyone is different but eating more carbs made a HUGE difference. Along with warm drinks in the morning and taking a magnesium citrate supplement before bed as needed. Hope that helps! xo